
We adjust to the needs of your business


Precios de transferencia.

We assess each intercompany transaction with a view to identifying improvement opportunities vis-à-vis supporting documentation and structuring, in order to anticipate any contingency in any of the jurisdictions involved in the multinational group’s business model.

We design transfer pricing policies that are in consonance with the multinational group’s business model and will ensure compliance with the arm’s length principle in each of the intercompany transactions conducted or planned.

We provide assistance in the implementation and roll-out of the transfer pricing policy and strategy in each jurisdiction where the multinational group has operations. Planning and assessing the specificities of the different price regulations is pivotal in order to coordinate interaction decisions among companies

The different jurisdictions have become increasingly demanding when it comes to the specificity, quantity and quality of the information contained in the supporting documentation. Our team of specialists will assist you in the preparation of local and master reports for each country and of the informative returns required by the tax administration of each country. We possess all the licenses and permits needed to provide you with high value-added assistance regarding the documentation involved in any type of transaction.

We are also involved in the design of software that will enable the multinational group to monitor the transfer pricing policy and collect the data needed to prepare each specific report.

Our expertise in the area of transfer pricing allows us to provide you detailed and dedicated assistance in the event of an audit or inspection in this area. This enables us to anticipate any contingency that may occur and design actionable opportunities that will minimize the multinational group’s economic and reputational risk exposure.

Our team of professionals is also duly accredited to issue expert opinions that may serve as evidence throughout the different discussion phases with tax authorities or high courts.

We prepare the multinational group for the negotiation of unilateral, bilateral or multilateral Advance Pricing Agreements. Our assistance encompasses creating a clear and realistic roadmap that will enable the Company’s directors to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the transaction under discussion when negotiating these types of agreements with the tax authorities. Our process was designed to ensure that Management is given sufficient information every step of the way so they can make the best decisions.

By conducting the factual analysis of assets, tasks, personnel and risks we can identify and support the attributions to the permanent establishment.

We help the multinational group to conduct its due diligence in the event of mergers, acquisitions, etc. with a view to ascertaining compliance with the transfer pricing regulations in the jurisdiction involved.

Our specialized financial team supports companies in the definition of financial strategies based on balancing expectations and expected outcome by using methodologies that maximize value generation within the organization.

In line with our expertise in this area, we have focused on valuating companies, intangible assets and projects. These valuations are used as the basis for transferring rights among the companies part of the same multinational group.

We have created our brand FHM LEARNING as an area specializing in the transfer of knowledge and experience. We provide multinational group with face-to-face and online tools to train their personnel in the different topics relating to transfer pricing, aiming at bolstering the skills of those who are involved in setting, supervising and documenting intercompany transactions on a daily basis.


We are a dynamic team that is willing to help you boost your business

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